严佳豪,暨南大学纳米光子学研究院副教授,纳米材料光子学实验室副主任。一直围绕“寻找具有优异光子学和光电性能的纳米材料”,长期开展基于全电介质纳米材料的光子学基础研究和实用化探索,包括光学生物传感、光热转换、光电器件组装等,目标为纳米光子学领域的多个领域提供性能优异且低损耗低造价的材料。目前发表SCI论文40余篇,总引用超过900次。其中在Nature Commun.,Mater. Sci. Eng. R,Light Sci. Appl.,Adv. Sci.,ACS Nano,Mater. Horiz.,Nano Lett.等学术期刊上发表第一/通讯作者论文17篇,研究成果被国内外权威专家在Nature Commun., Sci. Adv., Phys. Rep., Phys. Rev. Lett.等期刊论文中引用并给予高度评价。撰写学术专著两章,申请国家发明专利5件,在国际学术会议做邀请报告3次。
2016.09-2017.09 佐治亚理工学院 电子与计算机工程学院 电子与电气工程 联合培养博士
2014.09-2019.06 中山大学 材料科学与工程学院 材料物理与化学 工学博士
2010.09-2014.07 中山大学 物理科学与工程技术学院 光信息科学与技术 理学学士
2019.07-至今 暨南大学纳米光子学研究院 副教授、纳米材料光子学实验室副主任
1. 全电介质纳米结构的光学特性研究
2. 基于全电介质纳米结构的生物和能源应用
3. 光电调控(“电控光”)与光电探测(“光控电”)
4. 全电介质-二维材料复合光电器件
Jiahao Yan, Xinyue Liu, Churong Ma, Yingcong Huang & Guowei Yang*. All-dielectric materials and related nanophotonic applications. Materials Science & Engineering R, 2020, 141, 100563.
Jiahao Yan, Yuchao Li, Zaizhu Lou, Churong Ma, Guowei Yang* & Baojun Li*. Active tuning of Mie resonances to realize sensitive photothermal measurement of single nanoparticles. Materials Horizons, 2020,7, 1542-1551.
Jiahao Yan, Churong Ma, Yingcong Huang & Guowei Yang*. Tunable control of interlayer excitons in WS2/MoS2 heterostructures via strong coupling with enhanced Mie resonances. Advanced Science, 2019, 6, 1802092.
Jiahao Yan, Churong Ma, Yingcong Huang & Guowei Yang*. Dynamic radiative tailoring based on mid-refractive dielectric nanoantennas. Nanoscale Horizons, 2019, 4, 172-179.
Jiahao Yan, Churong Ma, Yingcong Huang & Guowei Yang*. Single silicon nanostripe gated suspended monolayer and bilayer WS2 to realize abnormal electro-optical modulation. Materials Horizons, 2019,6, 334-342.
Jiahao Yan, Churong Ma, Pu Liu, Chengxin Wang & Guowei Yang*. Electrically controlled scattering in a hybrid dielectric-plasmonic nanoantenna. Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 4793-4800.
Jiahao Yan, Churong Ma, Pu Liu, Chengxin Wang & Guowei Yang*. Plasmon-induced energy transfer and photoluminescence manipulation in MoS2 with a different number of layers. ACS Photonics, 2017, 4, 1092-1100.
Jiahao Yan, Churong Ma, Pu Liu, Chengxin Wang & Guowei Yang*. Generating scattering dark states through the Fano interference between excitons and an individual silicon nanogroove. Light: Science & Applications, 2017, 6, e16197.
Jiahao Yan, Zhaoyong Lin, Churong Ma, Zhengzhao Qiang, Pu Liu & Guowei Yang*. Plasmon resonances in semiconductor materials for detecting photocatalysis at the single-particle level. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 15001-15007.
Jiahao Yan#, Pu Liu#, Churong Ma, Zhaoyong Lin & Guowei Yang*. Plasmonic near-touching titanium oxide nanoparticles to realize solar energy harvesting and effective local heating. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 8826-8838. (#contributed equally)
Jiahao Yan, Pu Liu, Zhaoyong Lin & Guowei Yang*. New type high-index dielectric nanosensors based on the scattering intensity shift. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 5996-6007.
Jiahao Yan, Pu Liu, Zhaoyong Lin, Hao Wang, Huanjun Chen, Chengxin Wang & Guowei Yang*. Magnetically induced forward scattering at visible wavelengths in silicon nanosphere oligomers. Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 7042.
Jiahao Yan, Pu Liu, Zhaoyong Lin, Hao Wang, Huanjun Chen, Chengxin Wang & Guowei Yang*. Directional Fano resonance in a silicon nanosphere dimer. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 2968-2980.
Jiahao Yan, Zhaoyong Lin, Pu Liu & Guowei Yang*, A design of Si-based nanoplasmonic structure as an antenna and reception amplifier for visible light communication. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116, 154307.
Jiahao Yan and Yuchao Li*. Electro-optical manipulation based on dielectric nanoparticles. Intech, London, UK, 2019 (ISBN 978-1-78985-978-2).
广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(区域联合基金-青年项目),“基于光镊组装硅纳米结构的激子发光方向性调控” 2020/01-2021/12 主持
暨南大学中央高校基本科研业务费青年基金项目,“全介质纳米颗粒低聚体的可控组装与光场调控”2020/01-2022/12 主持
暨南大学高层次引进人才科研配套经费,“介质纳米结构的光学特性及光电应用” 2019/07-2022/07 主持
(1) 非晶硒的应用 2018-1-9 中国 ZL201610471732.8
(2)单个纳米颗粒光散射电调控天线及制备、电调控的方法 2019-9-4 中国 ZL201910833983.X
(3)悬浮二维材料光致发光的光电调控器及制备、调控方法 2019-9-4 中国 ZL201910833975.5 (申请号)
(4) Te纳米颗粒的应用 2019-5-16 中国 ZL201910404805.5 (申请号)
(5) 椭球形GaAs纳米颗粒的应用 2019-5-16 中国 ZL201910408521.3 (申请号)
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